Goodwill Gold: My Vinyl Collection
Hello all,
I am so sorry that I haven't been the most consistent with my posts these past few weeks. I am trying to find my groove, and most of this last week has been filled with me sulking about and dreading the end of summer. I know that that wouldn't be the most inspirational blog post :) So, I thought I would share something that makes me happy instead: my record collection.
I am a fanatic for all things music. It sounds corny, I know. I'm sure you're thinking... who doesn't like music? But as a Pisces, music touches the deepest part of my soul. And whether you believe in star signs or not, its easy to tell that every person has a different personality. Well, my personality is drawn to music like a moth to a flame. So, if you find that any bit relatable, then you might enjoy this post. I want to guide you through one of my favorite things, my music collection. Yes, I know that absolutely every song your heart could ever desire is on your phone with Spotify or Apple Music, but there is something special about listening to vinyl. I don't want to be overdramatic, and I don't want to speak for anyone else, but music cascading off of the grooves of a vinyl record is like magic to me. After all, I am already an overly avid fan of older music, so there is nothing that I can really dislike about a record. I know that some of you may not share this love, and thats completely okay. Vinyl music is very different from the tunes that my generation of kids were raised on. We were taught that more bass equals more fun, and that the quality of songs is found in the rhythm of a trap beat. I don't really think that there is anything wrong with that view. Honestly, I think there is nothing wrong with liking the music that you like. No matter your preference, music is still a communication of emotions shared by people with alike feelings. That is powerful in itself. So, when I find myself deliberating over which album to put on the record player, my taste always falls in the range of 30's to 80's. Don't get me wrong, but pass that era and you might as well play a CD or stream the song.
Anyway, my long tangent on the quality and the feeling of vinyl music aside, I thought I would show you what keeps me smiling when the northwest skies are grey. Now, as a precursor, most of my music is collected from two sources: my grandparents storage and Goodwill. Of course, there is an occasional album from a hipster record shop or a Christmas gift, but they are definitely the odd men out. I have to say that collecting music is not a new thing for me, but my collection of vinyl records is not old. And much like a good wine or cheese, I am sure it will get better with age.
I thought I would just share the last four albums I got with you. And if you don't feel like collecting vinyl records, then maybe you can just add these albums/songs on your phone. That is up to you. This is just one woman's opinion in a world of many.
To start us off, here is the newest-oldest addition... if that makes any sense.
Drum roll, please.....
Patsy Cline - Greatest Hits
One of the many albums that was rescued from the decay of my grandparents basement, there is no doubt that this is a staple. Patsy Cline is famous for weaving her country influence into a pop music style. The album includes her hits from 1957 to 1963. It is one of the best selling albums in the US by a female country singer. Her sassy twangy attitude makes you want to dance and sing right along with her!
Favorite song - "Walkin' After Midnight" - 1957
John Denver - Aerie
I found this album while scrounging through a Goodwill pile. While my record has a worn cover and a scratchy sound, I think that it adds to the imperfect beauty that is John Denver. This album was his 5th and was released in 1971. There definitely is something romantic about the sound of the early 70's and I think this album catches that 'hippie-dancing-in-the-sun' allure perfectly.
Favorite song - "Starwood in Aspen" - 1971
Kay Starr - Movin'!
This album was a golden find. Kay Starr, an absolute gem of country music, is one of my all-time favorite artists. Her effortless character on stage and outstanding vocals are enough to make me listen all day long. This album was released in 1959, making it the oldest of the bunch. Though Kay became a big star, she started with humble beginnings and it comes through in the tone of her music. Her integrity and love for 'the show' are obvious to most listeners. This album is a party must-have!
Favorite song - "On a Slow Boat to China" - 1959
Beach Boys - 15 Big Ones
I know, with the rest in mind, this one seems sort of out of the blue. But everyone has to have a summer album go-to. Trust me, this one will not disappoint. Released in 1976, this album defined the Beach Boys sound. Fun fact time: Before this album, the beach boys were close to a split, but recording this allowed them to get back into their groove and keep on keepin' on. So, if you're anything close to a fan, you can thank this album! Anyway, this album is nothing less than an all-american masterpiece.
Favorite song - " Had to Phone Ya"- 1976
So folks, there you have it. A quick look at some of my newest finds! Like I said before, this collection will inevitably grow into something grander than it is now. But that will take time and effort and money, so for now, I am okay with just treasuring those I find here and there.
Hopefully, this has given you some ideas of what to listen to this week, or maybe just a forced walk down memory lane. Either way, I'm glad I could share this with you!
Talk soon.